Through our internal communication channels, we regularly launch messages to raise safety awareness and our employees attend compulsory safety training. Additionally, we organise information meetings to stress the importance of safe working practices.
ISO 45001 is the global standard for occupational health and safety. The factories in Scharsterbrug and Barneveld and the head office in Nijkerk are ISO45001 certified. Gorinchem and Putten will also obtain the certificate in the coming years.
Training courses
Our updated training platform, the Vreugdenhil Academy, offers a range of courses, training and education designed to improve skills, acquire new competences and keep up with an ever-changing (professional) environment. Since 2021, we offer an on-boarding programme that includes food safety and training around safe working practices. Based on the job profiles, it has been determined who, should complete which trainings. Participation in these trainings is recorded and monitored online.
Last year, in the area of food safety, an internal ''halal certification training'' and ''HACCP'' e-learning were developed. These online modules are mandatory for all employees at the production sites and contribute to the right level of knowledge among employees around our certifications. In addition to these mandatory training courses for all employees, we have defined who must attend mandatory training courses around internal transport and other safety training (e.g. BHV, Atex and hazardous substances). The successful completion of these training courses is recorded in our learning management system.
In addition to mandatory training courses, we encourage employees to develop both professionally and personally. Some examples include the training programme for trainee operators, the customer communication training programme, the Vreugdenhil training programme for everyone, basic dairy knowledge training, and the training programme for (un)desired behaviour.
Visitor registration
Furthermore, we implemented an online visitor registration system at all sites, so that we know exactly who is on site in the event of an emergency situation.