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Under our sustainability programme, dairy farmers can earn a bonus for their biodiversity efforts. In 2022, 95.3% of dairy farmers received a sustainability bonus, compared to 94.3% in 2021.

Insight into farm and animal welfare
By using tools such as the KringloopWijzer, the KoeMonitor and the KalfOK score, dairy farmers gain insight into where they stand in terms of the cycle at the farm and animal welfare. Our regional advisors are also available for any questions they may have. Each year, we monitor developments and evaluate the programme together with dairy farmers.

Agricultural nature management
More and more dairy farmers are committed to agricultural nature management. Examples of measures include meadow-bird management, ditch bank management, and the creation or protection of other landscape elements. In 2023, we want to further increase our commitment to biodiversity and offer dairy farmers more support in this area. 

In 2022, 67.8% of our dairy farmers take additional measures to increase biodiversity on their land. Our objective for 2024 is for 75% of our dairy farmers to take measures to increase biodiversity.